June 20, 2022
Managing all the "things to do" can be a mission.
Conventional wisdom is to have a list and pick to 2 most important and urgent items. That way, if you get these done and nothing else you are still making progress.
Some people like to start with something small and simple so they can feel a sense of achievement.
I ask you to consider a slightly different approach.
Take a (brief!) moment , breathe deeply for a couple of breaths then ask yourself - is there something you know you need to do, that is on your mind, that is disproportionately affecting you? Are you more tense throughout the day because you have this thing to do? No matter what else you are doing does this task pop into your mind, distracting you?
It may not be the most urgent, or even the most important, but if it is the thing that is affecting you the most then I invite you, in the interests of your wellbeing to get it done. A concept referred to as Eating The Frog because once you have done the most unpleasant task on the list everything else seems more pleasant. From a wellbeing perspective you are no longer using more resources than necessary to stay on task, and you can celebrate yourself for stepping up to the challenge of getting this task done. Your brain is more empowered and able to focus on the present task, and perhaps (hopefully) even enjoy it a lot more knowing that the activity you were dreading is behind you.
October 06, 2023
I have found with the people that I help that using minerals gives us a strong foundation to work with.
On a personal level I am extremely grateful for the support of minerals!!
September 01, 2023
August 25, 2023
When you start to think in a downward spiral, or become distracted or focussing on negative “unwanted” thoughts - of the past, the present or the future you simply tell your brain “Useful Thoughts Only”
The trick is catching yourself in the act, but I suspect you may have a few (or even many) opportunities each day to practice this technique. The great thing is, even if you realise after quite a while that you have been riding the unhelpful thought train, you can stop at any time and tell yourself - USEFUL THOUGHTS ONLY.