Currently we have "3 Keys to Unlocking Your Vitality" as your free guide.
If you had more vitality would you be more of the parent you wished to be, and have more fun enjoying your kids company? Or a better friend?
Or would more vitality mean that you were more engaged in your work in a way that lends itself to being fulfilled? (Or finding something more fulfilling?)
Or is that at “the end of the day” you would have reserves left to do what you would like to rather than blobbing out and doom scrolling. Would you rather be doing something that brings you joy?
I created this guide because I came across too many women who were “shoulding all over themselves”. Admonishing themselves for lack of will power, bemoaning their lack of time - which was true but only half the story, more accurately they didn’t have enough energy, focus, vitality for “ all the things” that were required of them. And yet, what could they drop? They “just needed to get on with it”. This depleted them of fun, of enjoyment, of fulfilment and sometimes even of friendships - just not having the reserves for the wonderful things in life.
I use my insights, experience and knowledge as a Naturopath and Radical Remission Coach to help women address their health, well-being and vitality.
This free guide is my offer of help to get you started so you have enough energy and focus to take each step along the way to developing your vitality. It may sound slow, even boring, but I believe nothing will encourage and motivate you like empowering yourself and taking a step, and another, and another - building your vitality so you have energy and focus to fully engage in what matters most to you.