August 25, 2023
Re-framing is a powerful tool when it comes to developing a vitality mindset.
In his book “Personality Isn’t Permanent”, Dr Benjamin Hardy urges his readers to reframe our past, with empathy. And re-frame our present actions from the viewpoint of whether or not this helps us achieve our goal.
As part of my recovery into vitality following cancer treatments I came across an interview with Mo Gawdat, author of 3 books. Mo Gawdat re-introduced me to the idea that our brains are great at thinking, but we were in charge of our thoughts in a direct and powerful way. Meditative practice teaches us to observe our thoughts and just let them go or float by. Mo Gawdat’s interview showed me a very practical way of bringing about more of the thoughts that were helpful for me, while diminishing those that didn’t support me. Through three words. Useful Thoughts Only. For me, this was a valuable mantra and has led me to even wider applications than Mo Gawdat originally introduced.
When you start to think in a downward spiral, or become distracted or focussing on negative “unwanted” thoughts - of the past, the present or the future you simply tell your brain “Useful Thoughts Only”
The trick is catching yourself in the act, but I suspect you may have a few (or even many) opportunities each day to practice this technique. The great thing is, even if you realise after quite a while that you have been riding the unhelpful thought train, you can stop at any time and tell yourself - USEFUL THOUGHTS ONLY.
This skill needs practice and you may need a little patience, but after letting your brain know what kind of thoughts you are willing to accept, useful thoughts will come.
From my own experience when I first started telling my brain to apply this criteria to my own thoughts, I had about 2 weeks of not thinking about much at all!
Then, slowly, a useful thought came along, then another, then more.
Although other thoughts are still offered by my brain from time to time, “Useful Thoughts Only” has become a core skill that I practice. I may need reminders occasionally but I feel it has become increasingly a habitual practice.
I have even found wider applications of this simple mantra, so that comments from other people and actions also need to pass through the “useful” filter before they are accepted as part of my experiences.
Next time you become aware of yourself on an unhelpful thought train, tell your brain Useful Thoughts Only, I think you will be impressed with what you start to think.
October 06, 2023
I have found with the people that I help that using minerals gives us a strong foundation to work with.
On a personal level I am extremely grateful for the support of minerals!!
September 01, 2023
August 18, 2023
I hear people saying things like “This is my life now”. They say this is a resigned way, as if they are unable to do anything powerful to change their situation. While self acceptance and understanding is important in life, a growth mindset perspective means not knowing is a signal to LEARN rather than quit.
Developing a growth mindset allows you to realise you don’t know something yet and see that as a sign to learn.