April 22, 2023
Exercising regularly is a healthy practice. While exercising needs to be actively included in the schedule, and it can take a bit of motivation to get moving, the rewards are worth the effort.
The fitness I have allows me to enjoy my activities on holidays and weekends with friends and family.
April 08, 2023
March 31, 2023
I have had a busy week in which I have been fortunate enough to see Blenheim, Nelson, Canterbury, Southland and Otago as well as spend time with extended family and close friends.
Although I was travelling for work, I got to see some beautiful parts of the country I live in and I am grateful for that.
Traveling that much in such a short time has meant early mornings, lots of driving and low sleep. In short, taking care of myself has been done "on the run".
As I come home, I am very aware that what I feel I need most is chill out time with my family. "Seeing my children grow up” was my number one motivating factor to do all that was necessary (that I was able to) in order to stay alive after my cancer diagnosis so I am honouring that instead of writing what I had planned to write about moving well and exercise.
I still have a lot to share about exercise and moving well - my views and my experiences and discoveries.
I am still fully committed to my "blogging once a week for the year" project.
But if I didn’t follow my own advice of taking care of myself then my advice wouldn’t be worth considering.
Thank you for your understanding, normal “service” will resume next week.
March 09, 2023
Using nuts and seeds to snack on and having main meals containing protein (fish, eggs, lentils, soybeans, legumes) will also ensure that the amino acids that are necessary for the detoxification process are available.
February 11, 2023
February 03, 2023
Once our pressing symptoms have gone we tend to forget about them, and this means we can overlook the improvements we have made and the value of the effort we are putting in.
With any long process, especially one that has it’s ups and downs, celebrating success keeps focus, perspective and motivation.